175: Natasha Freidus – The Social Entrepreneur Applying Tech To Remove The Chaos In Crisis Relief

175: Natasha Freidus – The Social Entrepreneur Applying Tech To Remove The Chaos In Crisis Relief

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The Impossible Network
175: Natasha Freidus - The Social Entrepreneur Applying Tech To Remove The Chaos In Crisis Relief

Natasha Freidus is a social entrepreneur with an unusual story.  Sometimes circumstances beyond our control set us on a path we could never have conceived. This was the case for this week’s guest, social entrepreneur Natasha Freidus when during the Syrian refugee crisis in 2015, she witnessed the chaos of crisis response first hand.  While most donate money and time, Natasha instead formed a tech start-up to match those in need with those able to give and deliver goods and supplies locally through an online marketplace, initially hacked together using Wedding registry software.

Now almost six years on Natasha’s startup NeedsList is bringing efficiency and intelligence to the NGO and philanthropic sector and in doing so is delivering more accountability and transparency.

In this interview, Natasha describes her backstory, the vital steps along her life path that prepared her to be able to execute and lead such a start-up, the innovations she is now driving, and her vision to leverage AI and huge data sets to enable better preparation for relief before a crisis even hits.

I hope Natasha’s story will inspire someone else to take on what others’ may consider impossible.

thanks to Abby Lehman for the connection

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