Ep 191 – Katz Kiely Seven Minute Soundbites

Ep 191 – Katz Kiely Seven Minute Soundbites

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Ep 191 - Katz Kiely Seven Minute Soundbites

Katz Kiely Seven Minute Soundbites 

TLDR alert – If you’re short on time and still want to hear some of the gems of wisdom and inspiring actions of female powerhouse Katz Kiely then here is 7-minutes of soundbites 

If you do have the time, on a run, cycle, or drive, check out the full episode. 

Katz is the first in my Difference Maker series of interviews, my guest is Katz Kiely – a woman of conviction and determination who has been working to change the world for the better since a child. I describe what Katz does at the start of the interview before inviting her to reveal who she really is as a human and…. what and who made her… a woman of indomitable spirit. 

From 29 minutes in, we dive into the work she has been doing to make a difference in the world, her current impact project Frontline.Live before we discuss her vision and platform, code-named BEEP, to help leaders and organizations nurture work cultures where humans thrive….so their businesses thrive. 

Katz is a human Action Engine obsessed with helping people connect. 

collaborate, and co-create. Be inspired. 

About Katz
Katz is an award-winning digital pioneer, transformation leader, and systems thinker. She has a proven track record of delivering strategic cultural and operational programs that have led to measurable improvements in Employee Experience, employer brand, and operational efficiency.

She has supported some of the world’s traditional organizations through change, including the first Open Innovation Platform with HP Labs, rearchitecting the way the UN does business, and designing a city-scale behavior change platform with Intel and the GLA.
She is passionate about using design thinking and digital tech to unlock the full potential of people, judges for digital awards writes for b2b publications, and regularly shares her vision of a more human-centered Future of Work at conferences, including twice at TEDx
She believes that doing good is good business, is the Founder, Chair of Trustees for Frontline.Live and a proud ambassador of the Burning Man Foundation.


Social Links 

Katz’s Site 

Katz TedX Talk 

Frontline.Live Ukraine 

Frontline Live map



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What three words 

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