089: James Clark – Power of Networks, Expansive Thinking, and Purpose

089: James Clark – Power of Networks, Expansive Thinking, and Purpose

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The Impossible Network
089: James Clark - Power of Networks, Expansive Thinking, and Purpose

Guest Overview

James Clark was born in SF, adopted and raised in NYC, by an author and illustrator mother and an ethical Wall Street banker father. James (Jim) Clark grew up with abundance and privilege and a deep sense of love. Jim’s mother would wake him each day with an exercise that conditioned him to consider every day as a blank sheet of paper.

In Part One of this two-parter, Jim discusses growing up in a highly creative home, developing a love of the environment, embracing academic challenges, managing his procrastination and always believing in his own agency. Jim recounts the serendipity and a life-affirming experience of meeting Buckminster Fuller, that set him on this path to his first entrepreneurial venture at University by leveraging the power of networks and subsequently building a second networking venture in 94’ that partnered with a little known start-up called AOL.

In Part Two Jim discusses how he envisioned the future value of technology in the 21st century and forming the World technology network – a global community of peer vetted technology experts and visionaries and an annual awards series under the banner of encouraging serendipity.

Jim also discusses his perspective on the power and value of curiosity and serendipity.

How he looks for patterns in history and why remaining open to the fluidity of outcomes, creates better outcomes.

We discuss his new initiative the world congress for a new civilization, the existential challenges we face and why he’s creating a new global representation of all humanity. And there is much much more.

I hope you enjoy the expansive thinking, inspirational insights and fluid life analysis of James Clark.

What we discuss:

His upbringing in a home of abundance and affluence.

His ethical Wall Street Banking Father.

His free-spirited, creative book writing Mother and her morning exercise to instill creativity in him

The creative environment in which James Clark grew up.

How life felt like an adventure.

Jim reflects on creativity and technology in children’s upbringing today and in past generations.

Hypocrisy filters in today/s youth.

Tidal pools and developing a love for the environment.

School life.

Attending Wesleyan University and Cambridge,

The turning point of Discovering nonprofit organizations at a young age.

And starting his first nonprofit at University.

I ask James Clark his rationale and logic for carving his path in life.

Arriving at leveraging the power of networks.

Meeting Buckminster Fuller and life affirmation.

The power of trim tabs.

Forming Access Networking in the Public interest to find a clearinghouse for Non Profit jobs.

Working on Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Witnessing the emergence of the Internet, he recognized the potential of the internet to have a social and economic impact.

Forming Access point in 93 to help nonprofits access the internet he partnered with a small but fast-growing startup called AOL.

Building a reputation of one of the early leaders in what at the time was called “New Media”.

Moving to London in 1997.

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The Maggie B book

John Lilly Dolphin Researcher 

Altered States  

Buckminster Fuller 


Al Gore 


Bill Clinton 

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