038: Elina Teboul – Cultivating The Happiness Habit

038: Elina Teboul – Cultivating The Happiness Habit

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038: Elina Teboul - Cultivating The Happiness Habit

Guest Overview

Elina Teboul –  the Russian born, New York raised, corporate lawyer, turned Facilitator, Speaker and entrepreneur with a mission to empower people and organizations to flourish through science-backed behavioral solutions, is this week’s guest Elina Teboul.

Graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from New York University and a J.D. from Columbia Law School, Elina became a corporate lawyer at top NY Law firm Davis Polk & Wardwell.

Elina Teboul is a powerhouse of positive energy and focus. The legal world never stood a chance and it was not long until Elina found herself Studying Psychology at Columbia University in NYC.

Realizing that powerful mindfulness techniques based on positive psychology weren’t easily accessible in most corporations, Elina started The LightUp Lab to address this gap in the market with the mission of cracking the code to happiness.

We cover a lot of ground in this interview so we have made it a two-parter.

Part-one covers her upbringing in Brighton Beach, her journey to creating the LightUp Lab, the value Elina Teboul delivers, her methodology, goal-setting principles. We also cover the tools necessary to unlock and sustain the full potential of people in business.

In Part-two we get more into curiosity, creativity, education, passion, principles, and all our quick-fire questions

I hope you enjoy this enlightening insight into Elina Teboul and her fitness class for the mind.

What We Discuss  

Growing up in Brighton Beach to Russian Jewish Immigrant parents

The impact of her family

Being an only child

Her school years

How Elina entered law

Her evolution from law to philanthropy and foundation management

Returning to NYC to study

Pivoting to study psychology

The Lisa Miller book


The idea behind LightUp Lab

Mental health and the workplace


The training methodology of Elina Teboul

Her themes

Her view on technology

Focus and flow

Goal setting

Social Links

LightUp Lab 



Links In The Show

Davis Polk 

Brighton Beach 

Allan Grey


Columbia University 


The Book Primed to Perform

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