138: A Voice To Be Heard On Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – Jennifer L. Williams

138: A Voice To Be Heard On Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – Jennifer L. Williams

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138: A Voice To Be Heard On Diversity, Equity and Inclusion - Jennifer L. Williams

Diversity and Inclusion expert and advocate, Jennifer L. Williams is this week’s guest and our first guest of Series 3. Jennifer is a leading thinker and advocate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

During this open, honest, and expansive discussion Jennifer discusses why diversity, equity, and inclusion must be foundational to reimagining how we work and how we build teams and move toward a more equitable society.

In part one Jennifer discusses growing up as an only child in DC with her loving but overprotective, successful Panamanian immigrant mother, she navigated the highly controlled home environment by immersing herself in writing and books. This ignited her inner creativity and set her on a path to focusing on becoming her best self.

In part two dive into Jennifer’s career and journey to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Jennifer deconstructs how working in HR inside ad agency Saatchi led her to be a vocal proponent of changing the narrative around diversity and respect, set her on the path to her current life focus consulting on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.

For anyone that wants to appreciate the nuances of the Diversity and Inclusion, Jennifer delivers an explanation with simplicity and clarity and frames it in the context COVID, George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement.

We discuss how and when the systemic change will emerge and Jennifer explains her approach in consulting businesses in the process of transformation and the dynamics of the radical changes underway

Jennifer provides a clear explanation around the lexicon and wordplay between Black, Latino, and People of Color. I for one certainly learned a lot from this episode

I hope you enjoy the vitality and vigor of Jennifer L. Williams.

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